Releasing is complicated and Record Labels have a very busy schedule. Therefore there are some do's and do not's when it comes to demo submissions. 


  • Keep demo submissions short and on point. Record Labels usually grant you 10 to 30 seconds of listening time
  • Have social media up to date and be active. A good demo submission is more than just music, the whole picture must 'fit'


  • Do not submit remixes without permission from the copyright owner. A lot of record labels nowadays do not accept remixes anyway so check this first before you submit
  • Do not submit a demo by PM or any other method not approved by the Record Label
  • Do not send dead links
  • Do not send multiple times the same song. Just once is enough and wait patiently for 2 weeks
  • Do not be arrogant and accept feedback
  • Do not complain about how the demo submission went on social media and neither send hate emails to the Record Label
  • Do not tell the Record Label it fits with their standards and style of the label, the Record Label will decide that for themselves
  • Do not send Unmastered Tracks
  • Do not send Work in Progress
  • Do not brag about your achievements on the track, numbers do not matter and Record Labels have seen way more than most artist usually achieve in their lifetime

Credits go to Maxence Lucifer Pepin (Illicit Records) and Gust 'Harmoony' Moons (Augmented Music) for providing their experiences.