For a well-executed mixdown and mastering by the Record Label the Artist has to prepare the sound recording like this:

Individual tracks:

  • Each sound has its own track in the playlist and arrangement screen
  • Each sound has its own channel in the mixer. Also, this should be named properly.


  • Put all effects on bus channels and route accordingly*

Master bus:

  • Delete all stereo wideners, EQ's, Compressor/Limiters
  • Leave headroom between -6 dbfs and -3 dbfs

Naming individual tracks:

  • KI - Your Kick name
  • BA - Your Bass name
  • DR - Your drum name
  • SY - Your Lead name
  • FX - Your FX name
  • VC - Your vocal name 
  • If there are multiple sounds of the same type name them with a number e.g.
    • SY - Lead 1
    • SY - Lead 2
    • etc.


  • Export as .WAV in 44.1 Khzat 24 bit with a resampling rate of 512 bit.


  • Drag all exported .WAV files into the DAW for the last check. Be very wary of Clipping, Bad timing, Plugin error's after bouncing. 


  • Add a rough mix/master and write down in the e-mail the likes & dislikes about it the rough mix/master
  • Write down the wishes for the mixdown and mastering
  • Include 2 links as reference material how the mixdown and mastering should sound like


  • Zip all files into one zip file

In addition to the bounce requirements, we recommend to read the contents of this link for a smoother Mixdown and Mastering by the Record Label.